Thursday, April 1, 2010

Why I want to live like a French woman

It's curiosity more than anything. I've always seen so many articles and books about them, it makes me wonder if life really is better in the French woman's shoes. Taking French for eight years, I have always been a francophile. Coming from a mostly Irish/Scottish background, my relatives who were French (particularly my great grandmother) were the ones who had the most influence on me, though. Fascinated by French culture and the allure of the French woman, starting today, I am going to do a little experiment. Living totally French: for at least six months of my life leading up to my trip to France. When will this trip take place? Not sure exactly. But I know it will take place this year. I am determined to ingrain myself in everything French before then. Reading up on my language and practicing it. Eating, sleeping, drinking, talking--like a French woman. Not to change myself because I am not satisfied with me, but more out of curiosity to see why there are so many endless books written on the French woman's allure. "Why French Women Don't get Fat, " "Fatale: How French Women Do It," "Entre Nous: A Woman's guide to finding her inner French girl," just to name a few.
What is it about these women with the less is more idea with makeup, the stylish clothes, the lithe figures--that makes we Americans and Brits fall weak at the knees with adoration and envy.
I must say, though, I will be doing everything French. One thing, however, that is stereotypically French, that I will not do is smoke. As a child of a father with emphysema, I do not find smoking glamorous. The French women can keep this one. It may make you thin, but it makes your lungs hideous, and with my size 7 slim but curvy frame, I'm not looking to lose weight, I'm looking to see what it may feel like to be a little French. Besides, there are many more things to being French other than smoking, and I intend to experience them all.
Here's to being French, and living and loving life in a whole new way starting today. Wish me, "Bonne Chance!"



  1. I will definitely follow your experience! Et si tu veux je peux te donner des conseils... I may be a guy but can surely tell you what we french look for in women.

    Oh, and it is "Bonne chance", not bon chance....

    my first tip, check this:, probably the best blog held by a frenh girl

  2. I am trying hard not to switch masculine and feminine. I'll correct that phrase. That blog is really the best. Merci.

  3. Haha that's an interesting experience!! I will definitely follow your blog. You know it's funny because I have lived quite a long time in the US (and now I am back in Paris),and I can tell you I miss quite a few things!!! (mainly: smiles, and easy-going attitudes. And cheesecake :-)
    Bon courage pour cette expérience et n'hésite pas si tu as besoin de "conseils"! Bises

  4. I am a little late to comment on your Fashion/Lifestyle transformation but I believe many women want to do this. French women are seen as being both stylish and beautiful without all the fuss other women go through.

    And brava for not smoking. Being skinny is not worth the trauma the body goes through.
